الأربعاء، 4 مايو 2016

ثلاث قصص قصيرة جدا Tree very short stories

    قصص قصيرة جدا
    Very short Stories


      "Here you are" he said, while giving her a rose.
      She looked to the rose, and then to his eyes with freezing cold look "What is this?"She said, she kept looking to the rose carefully; "It is a kind of plant, Isn't it?" she asked
      "Yes, it is, it's a rose" he replied
      "And why do you give me this plant?"
      “Because, mankind used to do that when they try to express feelings..” he paused for a while, and then as if he reviewed his memory data base, he goes on “..Love"
      She froze for a moment, looked to him with glowing red eyes, then she walked a way silently.
      He stayed alone staring on his rose with a 0.2 Nano ampere of logical shyness, for he immediately realized that they are both. .are robots.
      By: Salih Habeeb Winter 1992


      نظرت عبر الزجاج الشفاف الى السماء المرصعة بالنجوم ، و الى حيث الكرة الزرقاء العظيمة تغفو حالمة بمستقبل البشرية ، فتدحرجت على و جنتها دمعة.
      نظرت اليه و هو يحتضنها بحنان و كان في عينيها رجاء مستحيل
      فأطلقت سؤالها بحسرة:
      -ألن نعود اليها ثانية..؟
      و بحزن عميق أجاب:
      - لا..لنأمل أن يفعلها الأحفاد.
      - انهمرت الدموع من عينيها و هي تقول :
      - هل نقول و داعا اذن ؟؟
      - بل قولي سلاما
      شخصت عينيهما المغرورقتان بالدمع على الكرة الزرقاء الجميلة، أمهم " الأرض" مهد البشرية ، بينما راحت المحركات الجبارة للسفينة النجمية العملاقة تهدر بتثاقل، ثم انطلقت بسرعة تسابق الضوء و هي حبلى بآلاف من البشر في رحلة الألف عام نحو نجم بعيد...
      صالح حبيب


      Looking through the crystal glass to the starry sky in the direction where the great blue globe is napping,
      Dreaming of the future of the human race,
      A little tear rolled down her cheeks,
      She looked to his face,
      On her eyes, there was an impossible hope;
      " we're coming back to her again, Aren't we?" She released her question with a hot sigh
      "No, we are not" he replied sadly " Let's hope that our descendants may do it one day"
      She wept.
      “Then, shall we say goodbye?” she asked
      “Pray for her to be safe” he replied
      Their eyes gazed on Mother Earth, while the gigantic engines of the great starship start roaring and in minutes it rushed with speed of light deep in the universe, pregnant with millions of human seeds in its thousand-year trek to a faraway star.
      Salih HabeebWinter 1992

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